I was a child and it was my birthday when the radioactive fallout rained down. The grown-ups did not know what to do. They kept us kids inside and threw away all the crops. What was going on was too big to grasp, and all the incomprehensible got a word: "Chernobyl". 30 years later I went there. To see with my own eyes that the childhood monster actually exists.
An almost archeological venture. Natural decay, looting and vandalism leave their traces in the abandoned towns and facilities of the ZONE. A last glimpse of the perished Soviet Union, fading memories of the time when science and technology were regarded as the ultimate cure for any social issue. And the cause of the worst technological disaster ever. Also this was a last glimpse of reactor #4's sarcophagus before the New Safe Confinement covered it on November 29, 2016.